New provisions to the Mental Health Discrimination Act

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[level-member] From 28th April 2013 RTM directors cannot be dismissed on the ground of Mental Health New provisions to the Mental Health Discrimination Act received Royal Assent on 28 February 2013 which affect an RTM (Right to Manage) Company being set up under the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002, and amends the associated Articles […]

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Supreme Court Judgement Creates Further Section20 Uncertainty

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Section 20 as we know it has taken another legal knock, this time at the Supreme Court in the case of Daejan Investments v Benson. Broadly, the Supreme Court has ruled that technical irregularities with the bureaucracy of Section 20 compliance, are not grounds for leaseholders to restrict their contribution for major works to the […]

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Section 20 Consultation Process Thrown into Chaos due to Court Ruling

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Just before Christmas a High Court judge appears to have ruled that the £250 limit per flat for spending on repairs and maintenance without having to consult with leaseholders, applies to the collective year’s total. Until this ruling, it was understood that the £250 applied to a particular set of works. The impact of the […]

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British Parking Association

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[level-member] British Parking Association (BPA) instructs its members to cease clamping after midnight 16 September, two weeks before the legal deadline of 1 October 2012. Read the BPA’s Ezine.   [/level-member]

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Parking Control Guidelines

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[level-member] Parking Control Guidelines For information on parking control after 1 October 2012 when the car clamping ban kicks in, see POPLA Newsletter Issue One. POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals) has been set up by the British Parking Association (BPA) as their independent  appeals service, run by London Councils. Read POPLA Newsletter Issue 1 […]

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