LUHC Committee: Letter to DLUHC on Building Safety

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From: Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee <> Sent: 07 September 2022 10:57 Subject: LUHC Committee: Letter to DLUHC on Building Safety Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (LUHC) Select Committee House of Commons Wednesday 7 September  Building safety concerns – Clive Betts, Levelling-Up Committee Chair, writes to new Secretary of State Clive Betts, Chair of […]

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DLUHC News: Call for evidence on leaseholder-owned buildings

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 22 August 2022 14:52 Subject: DLUHC News: Call for evidence on leaseholder-owned buildings ​Good afternoon, On behalf of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, we wanted to let you know that today (Monday 22 August), we have published a call for evidence on leaseholder and commonholder owned buildings with building safety defects, which […]

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[divider_line] 2020 [divider_line] [divider_line] New £30 million Waking Watch Relief Fund announced 17 December 2020 Fund announced to help end the scandal of excessive waking watch costs, as part of a further move to support thousands of residents in high-rise buildings. [button align=”left” link=”” linkTarget=”_self” bgColor=”#003399″ textColor=”#FFFFFF”] Further details >>[/button] [divider_line] Companies House launches awareness […]

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[divider_line] 2021 [divider_line] Filming the Zetland 9th November 2021 The Zetland building in Saltburn-by-the-sea is perched on the north-east coast of England. It is a building with over 150 years’ of history, and in demand to film for television programmes. Recently it featured in a Railway architecture programme. Read a behind-the-scenes report of the filming […]

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[divider_line] 2022 Archived News [ms-protect-content id=”4097″ silent=”yes”] Leaseholder Expo 2022 update 3rd August 2022 Dear members, As you may be aware, the FPRA are proud to be supporting Leaseholder Expo 2022; the largest national leasehold event of the year taking place on Thursday 11th August 2022 and we are delighted to be able to offer […]

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FPRA website questionnaire 2022

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        9 August 2022 Dear Members We are looking to enhance the FPRA website so that it delivers relevant content, is easy to navigate, and has the information you seek readily available.  We would be grateful for your help to identify how our members use the website so we can improve it […]

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Building Safety Fund opens for New Applications Today

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From: Chioma Wuche <> Sent: 28 July 2022 09:07 Subject: Building Safety Fund opens for New Applications Today Good morning, The Department is pleased to announce that the Building Safety Fund opened for new applications today.  Please see our press release for more information here: We have adapted the Building Safety Fund to ensure […]

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Residents’ Voice section of the In-occupation Regime Consultation

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27 July 2022 Dear Members Your vote counts! Implementing the new Building Control Regime for Higher-Risk buildings and wider changes to the Building Regulations for all buildings and The In-occupation Regime for Occupied Higher-Risk Buildings have just been published by the Department for Levelling up, Housing Communities. Thank you to those members of the Residents Voice […]

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HSE – Interim Residents’ Panel- Update

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25 July 2022 Dear Members I hope you are all keeping well. Whilst there is no material for the IRP to consider at present, please be assured that there will be plenty to be considered in the coming months. In the meantime however, we’d like to update you on the following matters: Following the discussions […]

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Consultation on Secondary Legislation for the Higher-Risk Buildings Regulatory Regime (In-Occupation-Residents’ Voice)

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20th July 2022 Subject: Consultation on Secondary Legislation for the Higher-Risk Buildings Regulatory Regime (In-Occupation-Residents’ Voice) Good afternoon Residents’ Voice Advisory Group. We wanted to let you know that the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has just published consultations on: Implementing the new Building Control Regime for Higher-Risk buildings and wider changes to […]

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