Q: We would appreciate some advice on a matter of alteration to demised premises on medical grounds. The background is as follows: A resident aged 60+ has sleep apnea and COPD ( not in dispute) and has requested an installation of and externally situated air condition unit with and internal high level split vent fixed […]
Archives: FAQs
Are These Charges Legal?
Q: During a recent change of Development Manager (DM) and the need for a part-time Deputy DM to cover the transition gap until a new DM could be appointed, unusually high charges were set against our Service Charge account for the change-over period. When the Managing Agent (MA) was questioned about these charges some disturbing […]
Faulty Building
Q: We have made a claim to NHBC for repairs to correct faulty building of three dormers. Our claim is for £2,880 and is supported by a report from a well-qualified and experienced roofing Company owner, and photographs of the clearly faulty work (on the flashings etc) which led to water damage inside three flats. Due […]
Committee Meetings
Q: I’d be grateful if you could confirm the requirements re meetings for our `limited company without portfolio`. We have our AGM which is a formal meeting and minuted. But are we also expected to have `directors’ meetings` of a similar formal nature? We have had them thus far on a six monthly basis but with […]
Changing Managing Agents
Q: Our residents have recently been issued a Section 20 notice re intent to change managing agents (we have had the same one for several decades). We have fought for better services and value for money under our previous managing agents and want to make maximum use of this opportunity to improve the situation. […]
Service Charge
Q: Our 33 private residents have three different rates of service charge which historically have been based on the outdated rateable values. We have wrestled and wrestled trying to find out and reconcile how this ever occurred as all the flats are the same and are all Band “B” for Council Tax purposes. The lease […]
Drains Disaster
Q: We would be grateful for some advice regarding our management company’s lack of a ‘Map of the Drains’ to our building. Background This situation first came to light, when our management company’s drains contractors rodded the wrong pipe (too robustly) and caused a soil pipe joint to be dislodged. Unfortunately, for my husband and I, […]
Auditing Accounts and Changing Managing Agents
Q: One of our directors has suggested that she could audit our annual accounts for the AGM and save us £300 pa. However in our lease it states that the accounts have to be certified by a competent chartered accountant and she is a MAAT and has been a member of the Association of Accounting Technicians for […]
Water Tank Worry
Q: A year ago last September we had installed a new water tank for our building. Does this need legionella testing? Could you advise if this is a legal requirement please? Our last tank lasted over 12 years and I cannot ever recall it being tested. FPRA Director Shula Rich replies: There are now […]
Island Garden
Q: A problem has arisen on our island development because one of the residents is querying paying for garden maintenance within his gated compound (shared between 15 units) instead of it being a charge to the Estate (which is the whole island). The Managing Agent is asking us residents how to proceed, but I wonder […]