Mark Chick is Senior Partner at Bishop & Sewell LLP and head of the Landlord and Tenant Team.
He regularly writes and lectures on L&T/leasehold issues and has appeared on national television commenting on service charges.
He is also the author of two leading websites Leaseholdinfo.com and Leasehold Reform News. Mark was instrumental in starting the L&T practice at B&S in 2002 and has overseen its growth over the years to now be one of the largest and leading teams of lawyers working in this area.
The Landlord & Tenant Team at Bishop & Sewell LLP has won an award as ‘Solicitors of the Year’ at the ERMAs (the Enfranchisement and Right to Manage Awards) on two recent occasions as recognition of their significant achievements in this area.
Mark is also a director of ALEP (the Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners), and has contributed to the success and development of this organisation which promotes excellence and training for professionals working in this area.
His views as a leasehold reform specialist dealing with freehold purchase, lease extension, services charges and landlord and tenant can also be found on Twitter (@section42) and on LinkedIn. For further information or to contact Mark or his team email leasehold@bishopandsewell.co.uk or visit www.bishopandsewell.co.uk