The office has received a email from LEASE pertaining to the cost of buildings insurance, reproduced below…..
We have launched a survey about the costs of buildings insurance. It will help ministers and officials create better policies to address these costs.
Please click here to complete the survey
This survey has been created with help from End our Cladding Scandal (EOCS) and a number of managing agents, as well as with support from officials in the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
This survey is the first of many that LEASE is planning for the next year.
What information will you need to complete this survey?
To fill out the survey, you will need:
- Details about your building, like the number of flats and the total value of the buildings insurance.
- The cost of your insurance from 2017 to now. You don’t need to have all the information for all the years, but the more details you can provide, the better.
- Information about any insurance claims for fire, flood, or water damage.
Only one leaseholder per site needs to complete the survey. It would be best if a director from the Resident Management Company (RMC); Right to Manage (RTM) company, or someone from the residents’ association, completes the survey.
Confidentiality and data sharing
The personal information you provide will be kept confidential, and only anonymized results will be shared.The closing date of the survey is Friday 27 September.