CMA Market Study

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[level-member] CMA market study into residential property management services – Leaseholder Survey 2014 The CMA has today published the results of a leaseholder survey, this can be downloaded from here. [/level-member]

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Collecting Ground Rent

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[level-member] The topic of collecting Ground Rent in Freehold and Resident Management Companies is complex, sparking hot debate in the world of Block Management and Accounting. In this article, we explore the perks and pitfalls of this freehold income in Resident Freehold Blocks and offer advice* to help your FMC/RMC overcome them…. When considering the […]

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Legionella and New Regulations

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[level-member] Are we testing right? Legionella and new regulations Professor Gallivan reports on Legionella and managing small risks in residential blocks. Read Legionella and New Regulations [/level-member]

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In the press: Flat Living

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As usual, the Government hasn’t considered the implications of its flood insurance proposals for flat owners. Read Bob Smytherman’s article in issue 18 of Flat Living magazine here

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Fire Sprinkler Week 2014

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Fire Sprinkler Week 2014 was launched at the House of Commons this week . The campaign is designed to raise awareness of sprinkler systems and convey a simple message: controlling a fire as it starts is better than repairing the damage after it has spread. West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service is supporting this, the first National Sprinkler Week, and is encouraging landlords and housing […]

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In the press: Flat Living

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Some flat owners think property managers have Harry Potter’s powers and can wave a magic wand. Read our Honorary Consultant’s, Bernie Wales article in issue 17 of Flat Living magazine here

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Sir Peter Bottomley MP calls for urgent Leasehold Reform

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A packed audience at the recent FPRA Annual Conference 2013 listened to a hard hitting speech by Sir Peter Bottomley MP outlining how the system is open to dreadful abuse, and how reform is long overdue. Tim Powell, London Regional Judge from the Residential Property Tribunal outlined how the new First Tier Tribunal works, and Michelle […]

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Good news for leaseholders

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There’s seldom much good news for leaseholders, but today the Office of Fair Trading (OFT)  has announced  it is to launch a major study into  the residential leasehold property management sector. The OFT is at last responding to widespread complaints about poor quality service, dodgy freeholders and rip-off fees. See OFT press release  for more […]

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Consultation on the Housing (Wales) Bill

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[level-member] The Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the general principles of the Housing (Wales) Bill. Further details about the Bill and the accompanying Explanatory Memorandum can be found on the Assembly’s website and the consultation letter is available here [/level-member]

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